Wagner Biographies

Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930)

Siegfried Wagner was a German composer and conductor, the son of Richard Wagner. He was a productive opera composer and was the artistic director of the Bayreuth Festival from 1908 to 1930.

Siegfried Wagner

Siegfried Wagner with his father Richard Wagner, a relationship that cannot have been easy.

From Cosima Wagner's Diaries

At lunch a dismal occurrence; Fidi behaves badly toward his father; the dreadful thought that he might prove unworthy of him takes possession of me, and this thought, instead of being turned against myself in resigned acknowledgement of original sin, turns inside me against my child, and I hit him, so violently that it causes bruises. No words, not even my sobs, can express the horror I feel about myself – oh, fortunate people who lived in times when one could atone! In this instance, as always, R. heavenly toward me.
Cosima Wagner: Diaries. 22 July 1878




Siegfried Wagner at Bayreuth

Siegfried Wagner conducting the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra
Siegfried Wagner conducting the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra. “What I find most surprising in Siegfried’s Wagner recordings is the casual and natural style of singing and orchestral playing – no bombast, no overwhelming grandness. It’s almost as if Siegfried prefigured conductors such as Clemens Krauss or Pierre Boulez by 100 years.” (Kevin Clarke to Sam Goodyear)


Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Der fliegende Holländer (Stage director)
Das Rheingold (Stage director & Conductor)
Die Walküre (Stage director & Conductor)
Siegfried (Stage director & Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Stage director & Conductor)


Der fliegende Holländer (Stage director)
Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Tannhäuser (Conductor)


Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Lohengrin (Conductor, Stage director)


Lohengrin (Conductor & Stage director)
Parsifal (Conductor)


Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Der fliegende Holländer (Stage director & Conductor)


Tristan und Isolde (Stage director)


Tristan und Isolde (Stage director)
Das Rheingold (Conductor)
Die Walküre (Conductor)
Siegfried (Conductor)
Götterdämmerung (Conductor)


Tannhäuser (Stage director)
Tristan und Isolde (Stage director)


Tannhäuser (Stage director)
Tristan und Isolde (Stage director)



Footage showing Siegfried Wagner (1869-1930)



Annamia Eriksson plays Siegfried's Horn Call from Richard Wagners "Siegfried", act 2.

Siegfried Wagner's operas

Opus Title Compo­sition Première
1 Der Bärenhäuter 1898

22 January 1899

Munich, Hofopera

2 Herzog Wildfang 1900

23 March 1901

Munich, Hofopera

3 Der Kobold 1903

29 January 1904

Hamburg, Stadttheater

4 Bruder Lustig 1904

13 October 1905

Hamburg, Stadttheater

5 Sternengebot 1906

21 January 1908

Hamburg, Stadttheater

6 Banadietrich 1909

23 January 1910

Karlsruhe, Hoftheater

7 Schwarzschwanenreich 1910

5 November 1918

Karlsruhe, Hoftheater

8 Sonnenflammen 1912

30 October 1918

Darmstadt, Hoftheater

9 Der Heidenkönig 1913

16 December 1933

Cologne, Städtische Bühnen

10 Der Friedensengel 1914

4 March 1926

Karlsruhe, Badisches Landestheater

11 An allem ist Hütchen Schuld! 1915

6 December 1917

Stuttgart, Hofopera

12a Das Liebesopfer (libretto only, no music completed) 1917  
13 Der Schmied von Marienburg 1920

16 December 1920

Rostock, Städtische Bühnen

14 Rainulf und Adelasia 1922


Rostock (prelude only)



Die heilige Linde



Keulen (prelude only)

16 Wahnopfer 1928


Rudolstadt, Heidecksburg only libretto and Act 1 finished

17 Walamund (libretto only, no music completed) 1928  
18 Das Flüchlein, das Jeder mitbekam 1929

29 April 1984

Kiel (completed by Hans Peter Mohr)

Source: Wikipedia, Wagnermania.com



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