Bayreuth town



Bayreuth town Margrave's Opera House Eremitage Villa Wahnfried Bayreuth Festival


Bayreuth town and surroundings

Bayreuth, a charming town located in the heart of Germany, has gained worldwide recognition primarily for its renowned annual Richard Wagner Festival held at the magnificent Festspielhaus. While the city strives to showcase its diverse attributes, such as the esteemed University, it is undeniable that Villa Wahnfried and the Festspielhaus have played a significant role in shaping Bayreuth's appeal to international visitors. However, beyond these iconic landmarks, there are several other captivating destinations worth exploring, including the Margrave's Opera House, hailed as one of Europe's finest examples of Baroque theaters, as well as the picturesque Eremitage Park and Old Castle.


Stadthalle Bayreuth

Stadthalle Bayreuth: Friedrich III, Margrave of the Principality of Bayreuth and husband of Wilhelmine of Prussia, had the building constructed in the years 1747/48. The town hall has been the venue for numerous congresses as well as theater, drama, music, and other events.

Hauptbahnhof: For many visitors, the Bayreuth Central Station serves as their initial introduction to the city of Bayreuth.


A former post office building in Kanzleistrasse, Bayreuth.

A former post office building in Kanzleistrasse, Bayreuth.



Installation by Rosalie.




Parsifal Apotheke: Shops, pharmacies, restaurants and whatnot have been named after Wagner's operas or characters.










Margrave's Opera House




Eremitage, Bayreuth

The lovely Eremitage.


Villa Wahnfried - Haus Wahnfried

Haus Wahnfried

Haus Wahnfried - Richard Wagner Museum.


King Ludwig II in front of Villa Wahnfried, where Richard Wagner lived from 1874.


Richard Wagner's grave at Villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth

Richard Wagner's grave at Villa Wahnfried in Bayreuth.


Hier ruht und wacht Wagners Russ.

Hier ruht und wacht Wagners Russ. Within the Wahnfried garden, a memorial stands in honor of Wagner's loyal canine companion, Russ. The memorial pays tribute to the cherished dog.


Hotels in Bayreuth

Arvena Kongress Hotel

The most popular hotel in Bayreuth for Festival visitors is probably the Arvena Kongress Hotel, 1.5 km from the Festspielhaus.


Arvena Kongress Hotel's veteran bus

The congress hotel Arvena Kongress Hotel has its own veteran bus that is shuttling between the hotel and the Festival House 45 minutes before performance.


Bürgerreuth Hotel, Bayreuth

Bürgerreuth Hotel, Bayreuth

The Bayreuth Festival

Festspielhaus in Bayreuth

The Festspielhaus in Bayreuth.

Bayreuth Festival

People waiting for the signal to enter the Bayreuth Festival Hall.





Silenced Voices: The Bayreuther Festspiele and the Jews from 1876 to 1945

Silenced Voices: As part of the 2012 and 2013 Festivals in Bayreuth, a thought-provoking exhibition titled "Silenced Voices: The Bayreuther Festspiele and the Jews from 1876 to 1945" delves into a dark chapter of German history. The exhibition confronts the exploitation of the music festival by the Nazis as a platform for disseminating anti-Semitic propaganda, and presents the latest findings on this subject matter.

Eduard Rosé, a cellist and member of the Bayreuth Festival Orchestra during the years 1892, 1894, 1896, and 1897, tragically met his untimely fate in the harrowing confines of the Theresienstadt concentration camp. The panel dedicated to his memory serves as a reminder of the profound loss suffered, as he passed away on 14 January, 1943.


Siegfried Wagner Allee

Siegfried Wagner Allee, leading up to the magnificent Festspielhaus.


The Festspielpark during the Festival.


Bayreuth Festival Hall

Bayreuth Festival Hall during the 2018 Festival.


Festspielhaus Bayreuth.

Festspielhaus Bayreuth 2018. Photo: Per-Erik Skramstad

Bayreuth Festival: Kartenbüro - Ticket Office - Bureau de location




Richard Wagner Bayreuth town Bayreuth Ring Productions Bayreuth experiences Villa Wahnfried Bayreuth Hotels