Lilli Lehmann (1848-1929)

Lilli Lehmann

Lilli Lehmann (Elisabeth Maria Lehmann).

Lilli Lehmann's full name was Elisabeth Maria Lehmann. Lehmann sang Woglinde, Ortlinde and Woodbird at the first festival at Bayreuth 1876. In 1882 she was responsible for the Flowermaidens ensemble in the first Parsifal production.

In 1896 Lilli Lehmann sang Brünnhilde in the first Ring at Bayreuth after the premiere in 1876.

Lilli Lehmann at the Bayreuth Festival


Das Rheingold (Woglinde)
Die Walküre (Helmwige; Lehmann's sister sang Ortlinde)
Siegfried (Stimme des Waldvogels)
Götterdämmerung (Woglinde)

See all Ring productions at Bayreuth here



Die Walküre (Brünnhilde)
Siegfried (Brünnhilde)
Götterdämmerung (Brünnhilde)


Richard Wagner's way of addressing Lilli Lehmann in his letters to her

It's not exactly very important, but rather fun all the same, to see how Richard Wagner addressed Lilli Lehmann in his letters to her.

Ach, liebes gutes Kind!
Allerbestes Kind!
Allerliebstes Lehmännerchen!
Allervortrefflichstes Kind!
Beste Freundin!
Geehrtes liebes Kind!
Geehrteste Freundin!
Liebe Freundin!
Liebe Lilli!
Liebste Lilli!
Liebstes Kind und Collegin!
Mein liebstes Kind Lilli!
Oh! Lilli! Lilli! -
Oh, mein gutes liebes Wesen!
Oh, meine beste aller Lilli's!
Werthester Freund!


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